Saturday, January 29, 2011

RPT Troubleshooting help

Problem:-> Test run aborted



Execution failure. No status received from location computername in interval seconds.


The workbench has lost communication with one or more agent computers.

System action

The test run stops.

Solution :->

For each agent computer:
  • Check that the playback Java process is running. If it is still running, the problem might be on the workbench computer where RPT is installed. Stop the Java process and all related typeperf and vmstat processes.
  • Examine the problem determination log for error messages or exception messages.
  • If the playback Java process is not running, search for javacore.* files. The contents of these files might help you determine the cause of the problem.
  • Run tests again and monitor the memory size of the playback Java process. If the playback Java process is consistently running at its maximum heap size, the process might not have enough memory.
If the problem is not on an agent computer, check that the workbench computer has sufficient memory. To increase the available memory, either increase the workbench heap size or reduce the level and amount of execution history.

How to increase memory allocation for a localhost location



It is possible to see an error like:

Test Run aborted due to error

The Driver: <HOST_NAME> has become unresponsive, possibly due to an out-of-memory condition.
At last notification this driver was using 90+ percent of its allocated memory.
Please refer to the "Increasing memory allocation" Help topic for more information on how to increase memory allocation.

during playback of a Rational(R) Performance Tester (RPT) Test with many virtual users running on the test controller machine.



There are actually two heap sizes that RPT utilizes. The first one is the workbench heap, which is related to space available for controlling and monitoring the playback and reviewing results.

The second is the playback heap used by the virtual testers. This is the heap size you need to change to avoid out-of-memory conditions. When you're running the virtual testers on the same system as the workbench, there are several steps necessary to change this heap.



Solution :->


First you will need to create an "Agent" on the local host:

1) Decide upon a place to store the Deployment Location (either the project's root directory or a folder in the project under Test Navigator)

2) Right click at the folder from step 1 and select New and Other, then browse to Test Elements -> Location.

3) Name the Location Local and press Next and then Finish.
4) In the General Information section of the Local Location, make sure that 'Host name' is "localhost"

Problem:-> Test run aborted due to error


Virtual users have exited prior to stage completion.


In a schedule with multiple stages, at the end of a stage that is configured with n virtual users, there were fewer than n virtual users running. The schedule did not assign enough work to the virtual users to keep them active for the duration of the stage, or the virtual users stopped because of an a different error. The workload problem can occur if you use multiple stages but do not enclose the workload in an infinite loop.

System action

The test run stops.

Solution :->

On the workbench computer, examine the workload for each user group in the schedule. Check that the entire workload is inside an infinite loop, so that the virtual users always remain active regardless of the stage duration.
If the tests already use infinite loops, then the agent computers might have encountered errors while running tests. To determine why virtual users stopped before the stage completed:
  • Examine the test log for error or exception messages.
  • Increase the test log level and decrease the number of users. Try running the schedule again. Examine the test log for error or exception messages.
  • Simplify the workload by running one user in one stage. Check to see whether the single user takes the expected amount of time to complete all actions. If not, examine the test log and problem determination log for error or exception messages.



Problem:-> No local agent controller



Local computer is not running the Agent Controller.


The agent controller coordinates schedule playback between the workbench and agent computers. The agent controller is not running on the local computer.

System action

No tests run.

Solution :->

Make sure that the agent controller is installed and running on the workbench computer. On Windows computers, the agent controller is a process called ACWinService. On Linux computers, the agent controller is a process called RAServer.
To start the agent controller, do one of the following steps:

1.  At a command prompt, change to the directory AgentController\bin in the product installation directory.

Start->run then type cmd

>cd “C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared\AgentController\bin”

Then Type
net start "IBM Rational Agent Controller"
  • On Linux, change to the directory AgentController/bin in the product installation directory; then enter this command:






Problem:-> Connection refused


Connection refused on host computername


The agent controller can be configured to restrict playback to the local computer only. If the agent controller on an agent computer is configured for local playback only, it will not accept connections from other agent controllers.

System action

The test run stops.

Solution :->

Make sure that the agent controller is configured correctly.
To configure the agent controller on Windows:
2.  At a command prompt, change to the directory AgentController\bin in the product installation directory.

Start->run then type cmd

>cd “C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared\AgentController\bin”

3.  Type net stop "IBM Rational Agent Controller" to stop the agent controller.

4.  Type SetConfig.bat to run the configuration utility.

6.  Type net start "IBM Rational Agent Controller" to start the agent controller.
To configure the agent controller on Linux:
1.  At a command prompt, change to the directory AgentController/bin in the product installation directory.
2.  Type ./ to stop the agent controller.
3.  Type ./ to run the configuration utility.
4.  Accept all of the default values except for network access mode. Set network access mode to ALL.
5.  Type ./ to start the agent controller.

Problem:-> Unable to connect to license server

When you get this error,

Solution :->

1) Check if "FLEXlm License Manager" service is running in Services [Control Panel>Administrator>Services: WinXP/Win2000].


Start->run then type services.msc press <Enter>

Restart this service "FLEXlm License Manager"

2) Launch Rational License Administrator and check if all the floating licenses are served properly [Menu Item: Setting >Client Server Config >check if Use License Server Option is checked. Check if correct server name is entered and then click on show licenses]

3) Check if Installation manager is configured for the same server.

Once above steps are verified, launch RPT go to help>license Status and check the expiration date [Should be same as seen in license server] and then run you're schedule.

Problem:-> Start recording aborted, The Agent Controller on localhost: 10002 is unavailable


When you start a recording in RPT, the following error message can occur:

Start recording aborted.

IWAT3034E The Agent Controller on localhost:10002 is unavailable.

IWAT3035E Confirm the Agent Controller is still running, and verify the location in Window > Preferences > Test.

Solution :->

This problem typically indicates that the installation of the Remote Agent Controller (RAC) is not correct. If it is and if the IBM_Agent_Controller directory is present, RAC does not start because of other issues. The following suggestions could help to overcome the problem:
  • Check the IBM Rational Agent Controller service.
    In the Tab Log on, it should read:
    • Local System Account
    • Allow service to interact with desktop

  • Check RPT Windows > Preferences > Test.
    • The Agent Controller local port should be 10002.

  • Check the serviceconfig.xml file
Path :-> C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared\AgentController\config

Open the serviceconfig.xml and verify the followings
    • Make sure that the Agent Controller uses port 10002
    • One of these two lines must exist:
<Allow host="LOCAL"/>
or alternatively
<Allow host="ALL"/>
  • Check the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host file.
    • Make sure it contains the exact line: localhost
  • Bring up RPT

Windows > Preferences > Profile and Logging > Hosts.
    • Select the localhost: 10002 selections in the Default Hosts list.
    • Click the Test Connection button.

  • Open a command prompt,

    • Run the command
netstat -a -o
    • Look for a line like:
      TCP hostname:10002 hostname:0 LISTENING 3528.
Hostname is the actual name of the computer. The right-most value in this line (3528 above) should match the process ID (PID) for the RAService.exe process.
  • From a command prompt, run the command
telnet localhost 10002
Note any error message that appears.

Make sure, that no firewall or other security application prevents it to start.

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